Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Moravian's Wellness Committee Strives to Keep Campus Fit

The Moravian College Wellness Committee is known best, for now, on campus as the provider of Wellness Tips and as the hosts of Lunch 'n Learns! 

"The committee's mission is to provide support to the Moravian community to make personal lifetime lifestyle choices that promote health, fitness, and wellness."  - Wellness Committee page on AMOS
Currently, they provide resources on AMOS and via e-mail, such as:
  • 30 Days of Wellness.  This is a download that provides 30 days of working towards a healthier heart.  Under this tab you can also find eight PDF files focused around making smart nutrition decisions.
  • Wellness Tips.  These are tips provided by Benecon and Highmark. There are a wide variety of options to choose from!
  • Maintain Don't Gain.  An eight week guide to changing your lifestyle.
  • Lunch 'n Learn.  There is one coming up this week on how to prepare a healthy side for Thanksgiving dinner!
    • When? Thursday, Nov. 17
    • What time? Noon!
    • Where? The UBC room in the HUB.
Currently, you receive e-mails from Carol Meixell in the Human Resources department here at Moravian College.  I took the time to sit down with Ms. Meixell and Ms. Sylvia Doyle to understand what else they're doing on campus, as well as future events.

Ms. Wisely: So, how are you involved with the campus?
Ms. Meixell: Well, we have the motivational e-mails that go out every week, along with the AMOS page.  Currently, we're preparing for our Lunch 'n Learn on Thursday, as well as our weekly yoga and Zumba classes.  
Ms. Wisely: How is the participation at these events?
Ms. Meixell: The student participation is very low, however many faculty and staff members take advantage of our programs.
Ms. Wisely: Well, I know a lot of students were concerned about the price for these classes...
Ms. Meixell: We offered four classes per week, for seven weeks at just $50 per student!  *This comes out to just $1.79 per class. This is cheaper than any other venue. It can't be free - we have to pay the instructors!  
Ms. Wisely: So, how else will you be involving yourself on the college campus?
Ms. Meixell: Well, we're approaching a stand still on campus.  We need a new way to reach the students.  We'll be working on setting up social networking accounts, as well as working closely with the new Fitness Director on campus.  We will be offering the Zumba and yoga classes again next semester, too!

Look out for the Wellness Committee, folks! They're going to be coming at you in full force next semester, with my help! They want to know what you want to know, so help us!

What issues would you like to see the Wellness Committee tackle next semester?

Ms. Wisely


  1. I didn't realize the wellness committee did so much on campus! I'll definitely have to start checking some of their stuff out!

  2. I love how you go out and really get the story. You tour places and interview people. It's awesome. Good work :)
