Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Burn More Calories: Utilize Moravian's Entire Campus

Well, as I mentioned in my last post, I wear the bodybugg every day.  It sort of becomes a game, or self-competition, to reach a certain number every day, because therefore I can eat more!

On a day like today, for example, I will continuously do things to burn extra calories:
  •  I'll wake up around 7:30 a.m.  I run up the stairs to the bathroom (sorry housemates) and then run back down.  BAM, more calories burned.
  • Then, I'll get ready for the day.  You'd be surprised how many calories are burned during this process!
  • I power-walk to class. Just adding a little more "pep" to your step really will increase your daily burn.
  • I go to the gym - everyday. Even if it's just for a little cardio, I love staying active and obviously the gym is the best place to do so.
  • I watch movies - on the treadmill!  That's right, and time FLIES when I do so.  If you have an iPad/iPod/iPhone or any other smart phone that allows movies, bring it!  Power-walk or walk on an incline on the treadmill while watching your favorite movie.
A few more general tips would be:
  • Don't sit still for long! Becoming idle for long periods of time will really slow down your calorie burn.  Stay as active as possible and your calorie burn and fat loss will push through the roof!
  • Always use the stairs.  Climbing the stairs of PPHAC, Memorial, Comenius, and Zinzendorf provide such a great workout!  Fun fact: If you skip a step, you'll work out your butt!
  • Sleep more, but only at night!  Don't nap during the day.  If you do, make it quick.  Try and allot enough time at night to be able to stay super active throughout the day.
  • Clean!  Doing chores and straightening through your room is just another way to torch the calories without trying hard!
  • Sports.  I absolutely love playing basketball.  I may or may not have a really great right side three point shot, so I like to show it off!  When the ARC isn't being used by sports teams, don't be afraid to get in there and shoot some hoops or go for a walk around the track, play some soccer or get involved with intramural sports!
I'm constantly moving throughout the day and according to my bodybugg, I burned over 2,500 calories!  That means I could still eat 2,000 calories and lose weight!

What are your favorite ways to stay active?
Ms. Wisely


  1. Ms. Wisely,

    Since you advocate for activeness, I am wondering your thoughts on something. Is it useful or beneficial to remain active ALL day? Or is it necessary to work in periods of rest during the day (i.e. sitting down for short periods, or relaxing on the couch in the evening)?

    KEB Perspectives
