Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Burn More Calories: Utilize Moravian's Entire Campus

Well, as I mentioned in my last post, I wear the bodybugg every day.  It sort of becomes a game, or self-competition, to reach a certain number every day, because therefore I can eat more!

On a day like today, for example, I will continuously do things to burn extra calories:
  •  I'll wake up around 7:30 a.m.  I run up the stairs to the bathroom (sorry housemates) and then run back down.  BAM, more calories burned.
  • Then, I'll get ready for the day.  You'd be surprised how many calories are burned during this process!
  • I power-walk to class. Just adding a little more "pep" to your step really will increase your daily burn.
  • I go to the gym - everyday. Even if it's just for a little cardio, I love staying active and obviously the gym is the best place to do so.
  • I watch movies - on the treadmill!  That's right, and time FLIES when I do so.  If you have an iPad/iPod/iPhone or any other smart phone that allows movies, bring it!  Power-walk or walk on an incline on the treadmill while watching your favorite movie.
A few more general tips would be:
  • Don't sit still for long! Becoming idle for long periods of time will really slow down your calorie burn.  Stay as active as possible and your calorie burn and fat loss will push through the roof!
  • Always use the stairs.  Climbing the stairs of PPHAC, Memorial, Comenius, and Zinzendorf provide such a great workout!  Fun fact: If you skip a step, you'll work out your butt!
  • Sleep more, but only at night!  Don't nap during the day.  If you do, make it quick.  Try and allot enough time at night to be able to stay super active throughout the day.
  • Clean!  Doing chores and straightening through your room is just another way to torch the calories without trying hard!
  • Sports.  I absolutely love playing basketball.  I may or may not have a really great right side three point shot, so I like to show it off!  When the ARC isn't being used by sports teams, don't be afraid to get in there and shoot some hoops or go for a walk around the track, play some soccer or get involved with intramural sports!
I'm constantly moving throughout the day and according to my bodybugg, I burned over 2,500 calories!  That means I could still eat 2,000 calories and lose weight!

What are your favorite ways to stay active?
Ms. Wisely

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Moravian's Wellness Committee Strives to Keep Campus Fit

The Moravian College Wellness Committee is known best, for now, on campus as the provider of Wellness Tips and as the hosts of Lunch 'n Learns! 

"The committee's mission is to provide support to the Moravian community to make personal lifetime lifestyle choices that promote health, fitness, and wellness."  - Wellness Committee page on AMOS
Currently, they provide resources on AMOS and via e-mail, such as:
  • 30 Days of Wellness.  This is a download that provides 30 days of working towards a healthier heart.  Under this tab you can also find eight PDF files focused around making smart nutrition decisions.
  • Wellness Tips.  These are tips provided by Benecon and Highmark. There are a wide variety of options to choose from!
  • Maintain Don't Gain.  An eight week guide to changing your lifestyle.
  • Lunch 'n Learn.  There is one coming up this week on how to prepare a healthy side for Thanksgiving dinner!
    • When? Thursday, Nov. 17
    • What time? Noon!
    • Where? The UBC room in the HUB.
Currently, you receive e-mails from Carol Meixell in the Human Resources department here at Moravian College.  I took the time to sit down with Ms. Meixell and Ms. Sylvia Doyle to understand what else they're doing on campus, as well as future events.

Ms. Wisely: So, how are you involved with the campus?
Ms. Meixell: Well, we have the motivational e-mails that go out every week, along with the AMOS page.  Currently, we're preparing for our Lunch 'n Learn on Thursday, as well as our weekly yoga and Zumba classes.  
Ms. Wisely: How is the participation at these events?
Ms. Meixell: The student participation is very low, however many faculty and staff members take advantage of our programs.
Ms. Wisely: Well, I know a lot of students were concerned about the price for these classes...
Ms. Meixell: We offered four classes per week, for seven weeks at just $50 per student!  *This comes out to just $1.79 per class. This is cheaper than any other venue. It can't be free - we have to pay the instructors!  
Ms. Wisely: So, how else will you be involving yourself on the college campus?
Ms. Meixell: Well, we're approaching a stand still on campus.  We need a new way to reach the students.  We'll be working on setting up social networking accounts, as well as working closely with the new Fitness Director on campus.  We will be offering the Zumba and yoga classes again next semester, too!

Look out for the Wellness Committee, folks! They're going to be coming at you in full force next semester, with my help! They want to know what you want to know, so help us!

What issues would you like to see the Wellness Committee tackle next semester?

Ms. Wisely

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

The Bodybugg: Moravian Style

So, most of us have seen "The Biggest Loser", right? 

Okay, well just in case you live under a rock, I'll explain.  "The Biggest Loser" is a show that features overweight contestants in a competition to lose weight and become a healthier individual.  

At first, most viewers were a bit confused and intrigued by the little devices strapped to their unshapely arms.  Well, the device is called a "bodybugg" and it is now available for public purchase!

What is a bodybugg and what does it do, you ask? Well, I'll be glad to tell you - since I own one:

It is a small square machine that straps to your arm, like this:
 and it uses the following to track how many calories you have burned, as well as your activity level:
  • Heat Flux. The bodybugg measures heat output-in general, the more heat you put out, the more calories you're expending. 
  • Galvanic skin response. The body conducts electricity and the GSR monitor measures the conductivity of the skin, which can be affected by physical exertion.
  • Skin temperature. The bodybugg keeps track of skin temperature, measuring changes and correlating these with exertion.
  • Pedometer. The bodybugg also has a built in pedometer to track how many steps you have taken.
The bodybugg comes with a USB cord to connect to a computer to view results. 

Or, depending on the version, you can see your results on a watch, or on your smart phone!  
There are two versions:
  • bodybugg system (version3). Which requires the purchase of a watch to track how many calories you are burning throughout the day, as well as how many steps you've taken and how active you have been!  This version costs around $150 for the bodybugg and $59 for the digital display.
  • bodybugg SP. This is the version that I use.  It connects with my iPhone, so I can check my calorie count at any time throughout the day.  This version costs around $180, however you do not need to purchase a digital display if you already have the smart phone.

The bodybugg does have a rechargeable battery that can either be plugged into the wall or plugged into a computer to charge.

This device is incredible for people who aren't quite sure how many calories they should be eating on a daily basis.  According to a dieting website's review, the bodybugg is 90 percent accurate, and provides a great starting point for people who have a history of eating way more or way less than they really should.  The bodybugg also has a reputation for making people move more - I've witnessed this first hand!  It's really fun to watch the numbers go up (because that means you can eat more) and therefore couch potato-itis is quickly solved!

A lot of websites and "fitness calculators" give inaccurate estimates of daily calorie burn, but with the bodybugg - burn estimates have never been more accurate!

I received this device for Christmas last year and lost 15 pounds with the device.  I also began using it to build muscle, so I was eating at the exact amount it told me I was burning and didn't gain a pound!  I still use it everyday to help me with my goals.  I quickly realized that I can eat FAR MORE than I thought I could and far more than the websites were suggesting.

I highly advise looking into purchasing the device.  Christmas is right around the corner! Is this going to make your list?

Ms. Wisely

Monday, November 14, 2011

Ms. Wisely Answers Your Questions!

It's almost been three full months since I, I mean... Ms. Wisely, forced herself into your lives.  I hope she has successfully guilt-driven, fear-driven or any-other-kind-of-driven you into making better decisions when it comes to your diet and workout regimens.  

Over the past few months, I've received quite a few questions about my posts and today I'm going to answer these inquiries about diet and exercise!

Diet Questions:

Caiti: This week.... I'm going to avoid taking my stress out on my food cabinet. Suggestions? Working out I find is a much better way to relieve stress.
Ms. Wisely: Caiti, you are absolutely correct! Working out is a much better way, however many people will not automatically head to the gym when they're stressed because they're probably stressed due to lack of time!  If you feel yourself about to stress eat, I find that either pulling out my calorie counter on my phone or just taking a moment to think about whether or not this is worth it - I'll stop.  If you know that you're going to be stressed, find OTHER ways to handle it quickly. Here are a few tips.

Mary Ellen: Weight Watchers coaches folks too on how to avoid the people who want to derail you. I don't know what it is. Boyfriends afraid their girlfriends will leave them? Friends jealous of the new you?
Ms.Wisely: I believe it is not only jealousy and fear - but it's envy and discomfort, as well!  Many people don't want to deal with that friend who is excited every morning when she weighs in. A lot of your close family members, boyfriends and coworkers will not be as happy for you as they should be.  The educational blogger in me should say "Just keep this inside, and share your success with those who care." However, my real advice is to keep pushing it in their faces because chances are - they need to change, too!

Ashley: I've heard before that salads can be really heavy with calories, but the thing that stands out to me is that you said bananas are going to be extinct? Why and how? Can you link to something?
Ms.Wisely: Absolutely. It's very sad - but they are working to figure this catastrophe out! 

Caiti: What's your take on the wraps in the B & G? 
Ms. Wisely:  My take is that they're a bit unnecessary calorie wise, especially when you don't have much to spare.  Each wrap is between 200-300 calories and that's not even including the meat, cheese and condiments you ask for on the inside.  I would definitely recommend the bread over the wrap, also the bread comes from Rockland Bakery, which has its ownnutritional guide online. 

Katie: I love Greek yogurt! But I have to admit that I am guilty of going out on late night snack binges to Sonic and Wawa with my roommates to buy breakfast burritos. How bad is this for our metabolisms and waistlines?
Ms. Wisely: Well, let's take a look at the four breakfast burritos that Sonic offers:
  • SAUSAGE, EGG & CHEESE, 500 calories.
  • BACON, EGG & CHEESE, 470 calories.
  • HAM, EGG & CHEESE, 520 calories. 
  • SuperSONIC® BREAKFAST BURRITO, 590 calories.
So, if you would like to treat yourself to these things, or allot a certain amount of calories for them - then it's okay. But, if this is an EXTRA meal - I'd make better choices.

Workout Questions:

Sarah: What kind of workout routines do you focus on for weightlifting, plyometrics, cardio etc.?
Ms. Wisely: Well, I've posted my beginner suggestions, and a small plyometric/calisthenics routine.  I am currently on a weightlifting regimen that is for intermediate lifters, only.  It is Layne Norton's P.H.A.T routine. I also do at least 15 minutes of cardio and core workouts after weightlifting.  I'm currently on a 4/5 day split, which means I am in the gym for 4 or 5 days and I am resting on the other two.
Katie: I don't have a lot of extra time in my schedule. Is there an effective workout that can be done in a half hour?
Ms. Wisely: Absolutely. Workouts in only a half hour will not be extremely effective for building muscle, but a lot can be done in a half hour to burn fat.  Plyometrics would be the best option, as you really shouldn't do that sort of routine for longer than a half hour.  Spending a half hour doing intervals on the treadmill is also very ideal. If you're looking for a weightlifting routine, you could probably do a 5 day split focusing on one part of your body for a half hour each or doing 5 days of full body exercises with short rest.


Either post them directly on my blog, on my Facebook status or re-tweet me!

Ms. Wisely