Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Sabotage the Saboteur: Your friends can make you fat!

Saboteur: A person who engages in sabotage

We all have them in our lives, you know - that person who insists that 
"You've been dieting for a few weeks now, you DESERVE an entire cheesecake!"

Well, friend - you must resist the saboteur.  
You don't deserve any cheesecake until your mirror says so - and you'll never deserve the whole thing.

Here at Moravian College, most saboteurs are sneaky or, even worse - they're completely clueless of their saboteuriness. 
That's not a word - but you understand.

These saboteurs can be found doing the following:
  • The Druncher. Yeah, you've got it. The drunk muncher. Those friends who make you go out, and then insist that you find a sober ride to Wawa at 3 a.m. Resist the temptation - just go to bed, your body will thank you in more ways than one the next morning.
  • The Dunkin' Diva. We all have that friend, who at 2 a.m., ABSOLUTELY NEEDS DUNKIN' COFFEE. Well, that coffee ends up being half a dozen donuts, a bagel and a you just cannot pass up the iced chocolate mocha latte. YES, yes you can pass it up, and you should. Those donuts, bagel and iced coffee will go from the inside of your stomach, to that cute little pouch you have on the outside. Think about it.
  • The Skinny Bit... The friend who can eat all of the above and still look better than you did sophomore year of high school will probably not care in the slightest about what she's eating.  Do not follow her lead. 
  • The B&G Haters. The friend who refuses to go into the Blue and Grey because they're "sick of it", therefore they need to go into the Marketplace - only. In the words of the ever wise LMFAO: "STOP! Hatin' is bad."  Unless, of course, you have great self control, just don't go into the Marketplace, it's a disaster.
It's not easy explaining to these friends why meal time is not your favorite time to share with them - especially if you have one of every kind.  But, if they care about you, they'll understand.

Tip: To avoid looking like a total loner, just act like you're studying, invest in a pair of headphones...or get new friends.

Do you have these friends? If so, how do you deal with them?

Ms. Wisely

1 comment:

  1. Weight Watchers coaches folks too on how to avoid the people who want to derail you. I don't know what it is. Boyfriends afraid their girlfriends will leave them? Friends jealous of the new you?
    Anyway, it is a good thing to be aware of, so you can cope.
